Dear our clients/partners,

We continuously renovate to improve the product and service quality. Therefore, we hope to receive your most heartfelt and honest feedback from your experience you make claims. Thank you.

Question 1: Are you satisfied with official receiving your call when you make claims?
1.1 Time for reply the call (quick/slow)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
1.2 Attitude when reply the call (pleasant/ unpleasant)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
1.3 Attitude when listening to the feedback (dedicatedly listening/ not listening)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
Question 2: Are you satisfied with contact time or settlement time?
2.1 Contact/ settlement time? (quick/ slow/ in a day/ including after working hours, weekends and public holidays)
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
2.2 Implemented as scheduled (timely/ in default)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
Question 3: Are you satisfied with working styles of claim settler of the product quality? (If your claims relate to service, omit this question)
3.1 Attitude of the official in charge (pleasant/ unpleasant)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
3.2 Consideration of defected products (dedicatedly/ carelessly/ not consider)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
3.3 Explanation of product defect causes (dedicatedly/ carelessly/ not explain)
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
Question 4: Are you satisfied with working style of the product quality claim settler? (If your claims relate to product quality, omit this question)
4.1 Attitude of the official in charge (pleasant/ unpleasant)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
4.2 Investigation of customers’ claims (dedicatedly/ carelessly/ not investigate)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
4.3 How to settle (how to completely handle with claims/ partially handle with claims)?
Extremely satisfied Satisfied Acceptable
Not satisfied Not satisfied at all  
Question 5: Are you satisfied with the settlement results?
Extremely satisfied (All claims are settled very properly)
Satisfied (Claims are settled properly as expected)
Acceptable (Claims are settled)
Not satisfied (Claims are not settled as expected)
Not satisfied at all (Claims are not settled as per request, although I keep contact for many times, responses are not received)
Information of customer
Full name:   *
Telephone:   *
Address:   *
Sincerely thank you for spending time for sending us your valuable comments

