Dear our clients/partners,
We continuously renovate to improve the product and service
quality. Therefore, we hope to receive your most heartfelt and honest feedback
from your experience you make claims. Thank you.
Question 1: Are you satisfied with official receiving your call when you make claims?
1.1 Time for reply the call (quick/slow)?
1.2 Attitude when reply the call (pleasant/ unpleasant)?
1.3 Attitude when listening to the feedback (dedicatedly listening/ not listening)?
Question 2: Are you satisfied with contact time or settlement time?
2.1 Contact/ settlement time? (quick/ slow/ in a day/ including after working hours, weekends and public holidays)
2.2 Implemented as scheduled (timely/ in default)?
Question 3: Are you satisfied with working styles of claim settler of the product quality? (If your claims relate to service, omit this question)
3.1 Attitude of the official in charge (pleasant/ unpleasant)?
3.2 Consideration of defected products (dedicatedly/ carelessly/ not consider)?
3.3 Explanation of product defect causes (dedicatedly/ carelessly/ not explain)
Question 4: Are you satisfied with working style of the product quality claim settler? (If your claims relate to product quality, omit this question)
4.1 Attitude of the official in charge (pleasant/ unpleasant)?
4.2 Investigation of customers’ claims (dedicatedly/ carelessly/ not investigate)?
4.3 How to settle (how to completely handle with claims/ partially handle with claims)?
Question 5: Are you satisfied with the settlement results?